Monday, April 2, 2018

Weight Loss Bible Study - Me Again

Welcome and blessings!

Here I am again...the yo-yo queen.
I know how to do this so well.
Scale down. Scale up.
Down. Up.
Up. Down.
Trying so hard to stop the madness and
failing miserably.
I went down 2lbs this week and now the scale this morning says I'm back up 4lbs.
A total gain of 2lbs. for the week from last week.
What. The. Heck?!!

Cruising through Pinterest I found this article that I thought you might like to read.

I also found this one on Barb's blog, "10 Lies, 10 Verses."

I'm going to pull out "Taste for Truth," and read some chapters again.
Get my Bible verse cards out, too.
And do a lot of praying.
Restore my mind.
State my truth.
Restate my boundaries.
Get back on the bike.
At least I'm not starting completely over.

How are you doing?
Have any suggestions?

1. Bloggers who understand about how hard this is.
2. Knowing I'm not a failure
3. Accountability partners

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in every situation,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.



  1. I can understand about being the yo-yo. My weight is doing the same thing. I also have decided to go back through the Taste for Truth and refresh myself again.
    Thank you for the links on Pinterest and Barb's Blog. I look forward to reading them.

    1. You are very welcome.
      We will beat this, with His help.
      Blessings. <3


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