Monday, March 26, 2018

Weight Loss Bible Study - Check in/Backslide

Welcome to the Weight Loss Bible Study Check in!

I had a conversation with my accountability partner (SIL) this morning and it went something like this:

Me: I gained back the two pounds I lost last week.
SIL: Why do you think this happened?
Me: Fear of failing. Not tracking my points on Weight Watchers. Not exercising. I'm sabotaging myself again.
SIL: Read Job 3:25.

I did.
Job 3:25
What I feared has come upon me,
what I dreaded has happened to me.

Then we talked some more about how I hate eating different foods than hubby and MIL. I feel deprived and different. (I have issues about feeling different.) So she gave me these scriptures:

Daniel 1:8,15,17
8. But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and defile himself in this way. (He requested only vegetables and water for himself and the young men with him.)
15. At the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished ...
17. To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.

SIL: Would you eat better if you knew you would become a prophet like Daniel did?
Me. Absolutely!

Now, we both know that won't probably happen, but we will be healthier and better nourished if we follow better eating habits.

And, by the way, we also talked about how being different is NOT a bad thing. God loves us all no matter how different we feel, because, let's face it, we all are different from one another in many ways. It is our differences that makes us unique.

And as Mr. Rogers always said, and I believe God does, too,
"I love you just the way you are!"

I feel stronger again. I'm tracking my food on W.W. today and plan to jump on that exercise bike when hubby is done with his nap.

I'm also rereading some of my journaling regarding weight loss and looking at my Bible scripture cards I made.

Use whatever helps you reach your goal!!
It is not easy losing weight.
Don't give up!
I believe in you!

Here's a link to a great article by Barb:
Always remember to renew your mind!

1. Accountability partners
2. Scripture verses
3. Being different



  1. Thank you so much for this check-in. I too found that I had gained back a few pounds and was having issues with eating differently than the rest of the family. I too do not like feeling different. The Bible scriptures that your SIL asked you to read were very helpful to myself as well.

    1. Glad they helped you, too!
      Don't give up!
      God is with us.
      Blessings. <3


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